January 12, 2024

Koodin’s 2023 Recap - A special year

Okay. In December, we wanted to write a recap of 2023. But unfortunately, due to flu, Christmas, family, and fireworks, we didn't have time for that. And although all of that was fun and cozy, we still want to take a moment to look back on last year. Because it was quite special. Let's have a look:

In January 2023, Dennis was alone at the helm and Sander was his first colleague. Together, they formed the foundation for Salt, as Koodin was then called. In the first and early second half of 2023, Timo, Jurre, Noni, Wadim, and Tjeerd joined. This not only strengthened the team but also expanded Koodin's client portfolio.

During this period, it became clear that the name Salt no longer fit. After a long process, Koodin was born. It means 'code' in Finnish, so it's relevant and easy to use. We’re happy with it!

More people also means a greater need for space. So, on September 1st, we left our first office and moved with six monitors under our arms to B. Amsterdam. On October 1st, we received the keys and moved into our new office, which was five times larger. We impatiently waited for tables, desks, and chairs. We ordered a TV, a refrigerator, and a coffee machine, and assembled cabinets and coat racks. We stocked the fridge with lunch and beer, and the freezer with ice cream. With some items on the shelves and our logo on the wall, it became a nice place!

Our first Koodin Christmas dinner was special. A cozy evening at La Nostra Gigi, where, with a cocktail in hand, we learned more about each other. A new bond was formed between people with a genuine interest in each other's stories.

Koodin's culture became clearer and stronger over the past year. Not only were openness and honest communication important, but also the impact of our work made us all proud of what we achieved in 2023.

It probably doesn't need to be said, but we are incredibly excited about 2024. Billy has been our latest addition since January 2, 2024, and is responsible for New Business within Koodin. We are ready for 2024!

Interested? Drop by B. Amsterdam. That's where our office is, and you are always welcome.

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No problem. Just get in touch with Noni. she can provide further clarification on the manual.