January 26, 2024

At our company, everyone is equal.

When you work in the consultancy sector, adaptability is essential. You are expected to work on different projects, with different managers, and in various circumstances.

This provides the opportunity to experience different corporate cultures, allowing you to see what appeals to you most and try to apply this at the company you work for. It also allows you to see how you definitely wouldn't set things up. Hierarchical or flat, working language Dutch or English, diversity of people and cultures or uniformity?

At Koodin, we believe it's important that everyone is equal. Are you new to Koodin? You were hired because of your skills and because you fit well into the team. Why should someone who has been here for a year have more to say? No, if you're new, you bring fresh ideas to the table and your ideas are taken just as seriously as anyone else's.

We also stand for transparency, so if your idea is mediocre, you will, of course, hear that too. At least then you know where you stand. Everyone at Koodin is equal, regardless of your time at Koodin, your ethnicity, background, gender, or your role in the company. Even your salary is calculated in the same way as everyone else's. So, join us! And start at the same level as all of us.

Interested? Drop by at B. Amsterdam. That's where our office is, and you are always welcome.

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Do you have questions?

No problem. Just get in touch with Noni. she can provide further clarification on the manual.