Unwanted behavior
At Koodin, we treat each other in a transparent and respectful manner. If you unexpectedly encounter unwanted behavior such as sexual harassment, aggression, discrimination, or bullying during your work (including with clients or partners), you can discuss this with Tjeerd or Dennis. Naturally, this will be handled with care, and a solution will be sought.
Helaas maar waar: Conflicten komen overal voor. En vaak dragen ze bij aan een nog beter eindresultaat. Echter kan het altijd negatief escaleren en dan is het belangrijkste je eigen verantwoordelijkheid en je boerenverstand. Probeer het eerst zelf op te lossen. Soms helpt het om dit samen met een andere collega te doen. Indien gewenst staan Tjeerd en/of Dennis natuurlijk voor je klaar.
Social Media
You can perfectly decide for yourself what is and isn't professional to post on social media. We don't need to make any agreements about that. Are you still in doubt? Then consult with a colleague.
How is the leave arranged?
As we mentioned earlier: we find free time important. It is also essential to have space for special events. Think of the birth of a child or the death of a loved one.
Special leave
As we explained earlier, if your partner, parents, or children pass away, you are entitled to paid leave from the day of death until the day of the funeral. In addition, you receive one day of leave for the death of grandchildren, the children of your partner from other relationships, your grandparents, great-grandparents, in-laws, brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, and sisters-in-law.
For the wedding (or registered partnership) of yourself, your children, or your parents, you are entitled to one day of leave. Engagements and other weddings are considered personal matters. You do not receive paid leave for moving.
Parental leave (partner leave)
At the birth of your child, as a partner, you receive a week of paid leave (referred to as 'partner leave', 'birth leave' or 'paternity leave') to enjoy time with your child. Additionally, you now also have the option to take up to 5 weeks of supplementary leave on top of that.
The following rules apply:
The government pays 70% of your salary during this period (this is legally mandated);
On top of that, Koodin also covers your secondary employment benefits;
Of course, we want to give you the world, but unfortunately, we must attach a few conditions to it:
It must fit within the agreements made with the client;
The leave must be taken within 6 months after the birth of your child, and the maximum is 5 working weeks (legally mandated);
If you want to take fewer days, that's also possible;
You must coordinate it in a timely manner with your manager at Koodin.
Paid parental leave
As you get older, you can take up to 9 weeks of paid parental leave. This gives you time to get used to the new family situation and to make conscious choices together with your partner about the division of work and care.
During this period, the government pays out 70% of your salary (this is legally regulated);
On top of this, Koodin also continues to pay your secondary employment conditions;
An exception is the expense allowance (you don't incur this, so the tax authorities have something to say about that).
We must also attach a number of conditions to parental leave:
A condition is that you take these 9 weeks during the first year of your child's life (legally regulated);
If you want to take fewer days, that is of course also possible;
You will coordinate this in a timely manner with your manager at Koodin.
Evaluating vs. developing
Koodin only knows a development process. We believe that the evaluation of employees can never take place at one specific moment, but is a continuous process. We communicate regularly with each other, discuss assignments, and maintain contact with clients. When things aren't going well, it naturally comes to light, and then we discuss it together.
Discussing Koodin's development process does take place twice a year. For this, we use the framework below: 'Sustainable Employability'.
With this framework in our pocket, we determine your knowledge position within Koodin together with you. We align this with the company's long-term objectives and discuss whether, and in what way, there is a need to increase your knowledge. Together with your manager, you create a plan, which you review every 6 months for progress.
Part of working as a consultant is handling the information of our clients professionally. Here we want to be very clear and transparent:
All information from our clients is owned by our clients. This means that nothing can be used for personal purposes without the permission of the relevant client.
Do you still want to use something? For example, for your personal portfolio? Then specifically ask your client in writing for permission for what you want to use and/or publish.
Sharing our rates with outsiders can be sensitive in many cases. There are also sometimes client-specific NDAs in place. Just never share this.
Freelancing and additional income
At Koodin, we value the dedication and commitment of our team members. Therefore, freelancing while under contract with Koodin is not allowed. This policy ensures that your primary focus remains on your responsibilities and contributions to Koodin.
We also expect that if new opportunities arise, you will route them through Koodin. This way, we can collectively contribute to the growth and development of Koodin.
Of course, we understand that unique circumstances may occasionally present extra work opportunities. In such cases, we are open to discussion about possible exceptions. Any external assignment must be carefully reviewed and approved by Koodin’s management.
It is essential that additional work does not interfere with your responsibilities and performance at Koodin. Our priority is to maintain high work standards and ensure the success of our team and projects.